Soccer Rules 2024-25
Ball Sizes Size 3 – Junior K through 2nd Grade
Size 4 – 3rd through 6th Grade
Players Junior K – 4 v 4 - with NO Goalie
Senior K – 5 v 5 – with Goalie
1st & 2nd Grade – 6 v 6 – with Goalie
3rd & 4th Grade – 7 v 7 – with Goalie (6 v 6 is optional)
5th & 6th Grade – 7 v 7 – with Goalie (6 v 6 is optional)
Game Junior K – two (18) minute Halves
Senior K – two (18) minute Halves
1st & 2nd Grade – two (20) minute Halves
3rd & 4th Grade – two (22) minute Halves
5th & 6th Grade – two (22) minute Halves
**HALFTIME: maximum of (4) minutes
The Start of Play
Begin with a Coaches Meeting and prayer at midfield with all players
Rock/Paper/Scissors will determine the start of the play (first possession)
The team that wins gets the first kickoff
The kickoff will then alternate at the start of the 2nd Half
Teams are encouraged but are not required to switch goals after halftime
Ball In and Out of Play
Throw-ins are used to restart play when the ball wholly passes over the sidelines
Corner kicks/Goal kicks for when the ball wholly passes over the goal line (not a goal)
The Score
No league standings will be kept
League emphasizes fun, fellowship, and instruction Fouls and Misconduct
All free kicks will be indirect, with opponents at least 5 yards away
The referee should briefly explain all infractions
NO OFFSIDES rule for Jr. Kindergarten / Sr. Kindergarten / 1st Grade / 2nd Grade
Offsides rule is enforced for 3rd through 6th Grade Divisions
Goal Kicks are taken from the top of the small box.
Goalies are protected in the small box (Jr.K - 2nd Grade) and big box (3-6th Grade)
FOR SAFETY and to prevent injuries: NO SLIDE TACKLES OR HEADERS!
Punts are allowed for 2024-25
Definition of Kicks:
INDIRECT KICKS must touch another player first before they count as a goal
The first touch of an Indirect Kick used as a shot directly into the goal do not count
A free kick is awarded to the defending team
The kicker can’t touch the ball until it is touched or played on by another player
If the ball rebounds off the goal, the Kicker must wait until another player touches it
A player fouled (inside the penalty area) will be awarded a Penalty Kick (PK), which is a direct kick on goal against the Goalie, and all other players will start behind the kicker and PK spot
The suggested number on each roster is 10, max per team is 12
Every player must play at least 50% of the game if they are physically able
There is “NO GAME DAY PENALTY” to enforce, please report to the league
Minimum players to begin the game: 4 (Jr.K), 5 (Sr.K), and 6 (1st Grade and up)
ESCRA strongly suggests playing the game even with borrowed players
Unlimited Substitutions, at the midfield line
Before goal kicks by either team OR between quarters
After a goal is scored by either team and during an injury time-out
Before a throw-in, if substitute(s) are at Center Line before throw-in
If a player is not injured but needs to come out of the game because of fatigue, cramps, or is not feeling well, the coach may substitute at any time during the game at mid-field
The player coming out of the game must be off of the field before the substitute player may enter the playing field
Head Coach
Identified as the speaking representative at the pre-game Coaches Meeting
Responsible for behavior issues related to coaches, players, and fans
Fans who argue or yell at Officials will be asked to leave the playing area
Junior K / Senior K: ONE (1) Coach allowed on the field and should not interfere
Coaches are responsible for seeing that the bench area is cleaned after each game
Field Dimensions: Junior Kindergarten through 2nd Grade
Width 30 yards (max) Length: 50 yards (max)
Halfway Line Max 25 yards
Center Circle: Radius: 6 yards
Corner arcs: Radius: 1 yard
Goal Box Depth: 6 yards Width: 12 Yards
Goals Height: 6 feet Width: 8-12 feet
Field Dimensions: 3rd through 6th Grade
Width: 40 yards (max) Length: 70 yards (max)
Halfway Line. Max 35 yards
Center Circle: Radius: 10 yards
Corner arcs: Radius: 1 yard
Goal Box: Depth: 6 yards Width: 10 Yards
Penalty Area Depth: 15 yards Width: 24 Yards
Goals Height: 6 feet Width: 12-18 feet
Tennis shoes or soft-cleated soccer shoes
Shin guards are MANDATORY for practices and games
Matching shirts/jerseys are required and must have the Church name on them
Game Officials
The League will assign one referee for all games
The League may assign two referees for 3rd-6th grade games
Game focus: instruction, fun, fairness, and safety
If a referee(s) does not show up for a game, coaches should officiate together
In this case, PLEASE inform the Site Director and YOUR organization’s Director
Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide and promote recreation between churches in the Shelby County area in a Christ-honoring environment.
Provide athletic competition for all ages
Promote an environment that will assure a spirit of fair play and sportsmanship
Promote participation in team sports
Encourage fellowship that honors Jesus Christ
Player Exemptions (based on age/grade)
In special circumstances, an exemption may be granted for a player to play in an age group for which he/she is too old
The Recreation Director must make all exemption requests. Fill out the Exemption Form at www.EscraSports.org
Churches will be notified concerning the status of the exemption
All approved exemptions can be revoked if the exemption is deemed not appropriate
Team Rosters
Rosters must be kept by each Organization’s sports director/coordinator
Girls may play on a boys’ team, but boys may not play on a girls’ team
Rosters (Excel form) must be emailed to EscraSports@gmail.com
Playing on More Than One Team
Players are not allowed to play on more than one team within the same sports season. Anyone playing for his/her school, playing on a competitive team, or playing in another league/association within the same sports season may not play in the ESCRA league.
Revised: August 14, 2024